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Pulitzer’s first newspaper expertise was in 1868 as a reporter on the Westliche Post (morning, 1857) of St Louis, which has an evening edition, the Anzeiger, a Sunday version, Mississippi Blaetter, and a semi-weekly and weekly edition, Anzeiger des Westens. 1857) is effectively often called a contributor of humorous paragraphs and wonderful verse. After 1883 Eugene Field contributed to this paper his column “Sharps and Flats,” including much verse. Jim reluctantly agrees a lot to the rest of the company disappointment. Thompson, Jason (10 March 2011). “Jason Thompson’s House of 1000 Manga – Dragon Ball”. Sharp, Daryl (15 October 2011). “Libido”. The News of Springfield has a weekly edition, the Weekly Republic, which was based in 1817. The Toledo Blade (every day, 1848; weekly, 1835) before and in the course of the Civil War contained the attacks on slavery and on political abuses written by “Petroleum V. Nasby,” i.e. David Ross Locke (1833-1888); The first of these letters (signed “Rev. Will Carleton (b. 1845) was a member of the Blade’s employees, and contributed to the Blade his first “ballads.” The News-Bee (night) of Toledo was formed by the consolidation in 1903 of the Times (1846), News (1888) and Bee (1894), and has a morning edition known as the Times and a Sunday edition referred to as the Times-Bee.

in a row The Post-Dispatch (night, 1851) is a consolidation made in 1878 by its proprietor Joseph Pulitzer. A part (in 1855) and ultimately the entire (in 1874) was bought by Joseph Medill (1823-1899). Horace White (b. In St Paul one of the best-identified paper is the Pioneer Press (founded in 1849; daily since 1854); the Minnesota Pioneer was the first paper printed within the state, and in 1855 it was consolidated with the Minnesota Democrat beneath the name of Pioneer and Democrat; in 1862 it grew to become the St Paul Pioneer; and in 1875 after the St Paul Press united with it it took the identify of the Pioneer Press. 1855), U.S. Secretary of the Interior in 1893-1896, and governor of Georgia in 1907-1909. The Chronicle of Augusta (1785, semi-weekly; now semi-weekly and, since 1837, every day); initially the Augusta Chronicle and Gazette of the State, in 1821 it turned the Augusta Chronicle and Georgia Gazette (then Advertiser); in 1835, the Augusta Chronicle; in 1837, when it integrated the State’s Rights Sentinel-edited for a couple of dozen years by Judge Augustus Baldwin Longstreet (1790-1870), son of the inventor William Longstreet, and creator of Georgia Scenes (1840)-the Daily Chronicle and Sentinel; in 1877, after merging with the Constitutionalist (based before 1800), the Chronicle and Constitutionalist; James R. Randall (1839-1908), creator of “Maryland, my Maryland,” was senior editor of the Chronicle for some time, having been related with the Constitutionalist after 1866. The Enquirer-Sun of Columbus (weekly, 1828; every day, 1858). The Telegraph of Macon (semi-weekly, 1826; now day by day additionally).

Kansas.-The Emporia Gazette (night, 1890) is one of the notable smaller city papers of the nation; its fame being attributable to its editor and proprietor William Allen White (b. The 2 principal dailies of Kansas City are the Star (night, 1880-1881; with a morning edition, the Times, 1838, and a Weekly Star, 1890), based by William R. Nelson (b. The Indianapolis News (night, 1869) and the Star (morning, 1903) are the principal papers in the town. Wisconsin.-The principal papers are those of Milwaukee: the Evening Wisconsin (1847); the Sentinel (morning, 1837), edited in 1845-1861 by Rufus King (1814-1876), who was U.S. District Court for Missouri, who had suspended from observe for 18 months and had imprisoned for 24 hours an attorney, Luke Edward Lawless, who had criticized within the Republican Judge Peck’s determination in a Spanish land grant case, which was adverse to Lawless, lawyer for the plaintiff. 1858), who was a member of the executive committee of the Republican National Committee.

The Cleveland Plain-Dealer (morning, 1841) is a widely known paper; in its columns appeared the first “Artemus Ward” sketches, contributed by Charles Farrar Browne (1834-1867), who in 1861 went to New York to edit the short-lived humorous Vanity Fair. Louisiana.-The Picayune of latest Orleans (daily, 1837; weekly, 1841). The Item (night, 1877) of new Orleans. 1841); and the Journal (morning, 1854; with a weekly version). Michigan.-The Detroit Free Press (morning, 1835; with a weekly agricultural version, Farm and Live Stock Journal, 1831) was significantly recognized in 1869-1891 for the humorous sketches of Charles Bertrand Lewis (b. The bigger papers of Columbus are the Ohio State Journal (morning, 1811), the Press-Post (night, 1827), the Citizen (night, 1899), and the Express und Westbote (weekly, 1880; Sunday, 1878; daily, 1890-the totally different editions being beneath completely different names). The principal papers in Illinois are naturally those of Chicago. Illinois.-The primary newspaper in Illinois was the Illinois Herald (1814; succeeded in 1815 by the Illinois Intelligencer) of Kaskaskia (then the seat of authorities); it removed to Vandalia, which then grew to become the capital, in 1820; it became the Vandalia Whig and Illinois Intelligencer in 1832; and it ceased publication about 1839, when Springfield turned the capital.


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